Friday, December 05, 2008

Nine Meals from Anarchy

"Nine Meals from Anarchy: Oil Dependence, climate change and the transition to resilience" was the Schumacher Lecture 2008 (given in Leeds, UK) by Andrew Simms from the New Economics Foundation (NEF: Economics as if people and the planet mattered).
It is a great summary of the problems societies face (both now and in the past) and offers Solutions as if people and the planet mattered. It is easy to read and has great quotes like this one:
"The invisible hand of the market has been at odds with the invisible heart of the core economy".
Simms suggests the core economy is made up of family, neighbourhood, community and civil society. The core economy is the operating system upon which the money economy depends upon (much like we depend upon the atmosphere). However the money system is corroding the core economy (working longer hours, capitalism promotes individual values over community values, etc).
The values of the 'money economy' do seem to outweigh the values of the 'core economy' in modern society. Many people seem more concerned with 'interest' and their 'shares' than showing interest in others or sharing.
In the same way, we often fail to value (and instead take advantage of) the Earth's 'core economy' (its fauna and flora, its forests, its rivers lakes and oceans, its local, regional and global ecosystems) and instead focus on the business/economic 'reality' (i.e. the money economy).
We put anthropocentric values over ecocentric needs and as a result the Earth's core economy (broadly the environment) suffers - much as many people's work/life balance suffers when money becomes more important than people and community - except the results will be much worse than anything a financial crisis can muster. We need to learn to care about other species and share the Earth much more fairly between all.
Anyway, I hope you find 15 mins to read it.
Comments ???

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