Monday, December 15, 2008

Random Man throws shoe at Kevin Rudd over his weak 2020 GHG target

Mr Kevin Rudd received the taste of local resentment as he released Australia's Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme in Canberra (at the Press Club).
During the release, the Random Man took off his shoes and threw them at Mr Rudd, one after the other. Throwing a shoe at someone is a grave insult and is meant to show extreme disrespect and contempt -- it means that the 'emissions' target is even lower than the shoe, which is always on the ground and dirty.
When asked why he threw the shoe, he replied that it was a WEAK TARGET that condemmed the Great Barrier Reef and the Murray-Darling River to extinction. He was also unhappy that free permits had been given to the heaviest polluters (e.g. the aluminium industry and the coal industry).
"Why don't they listen to the scientists who say we need 25-40% reduction" he screamed as they dragged him away.
"Climate change is accelerating more rapidly and dangerously than expected and extreme urgent action is what is needed" he also said.
"Check it all out on Random Man on Planet Earth" he said.
Also check out:
Splitting: 'jobs' versus 'the environment'
Combating Climate Change and Boosting Growth Are Natural Allies
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Polar Bear Begs

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