See here for full report

Figure 1: The graph shows the growth in CERs (Certified Emission Reductions) for the different countries involved in the CDM (mainly China, India, Brazil, South Korea, Mexico and Malaysia).
Worth a read if you are interested in how this is all going.
Note: for those that don't know, COP is 'Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change". COP-3 was in Kyoto in 1997 and today we are preparing for COP-14 in Poznan (which is in Poland).
The BIG meeting is in Copenhagen (Denmark) which is COP-15. At Copenhagen, there is also the 'Meeting of the Parties' to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP) which will be its fifth session.
COP/MOP-4 was in Bonn (Germany) in May 2008.
COP/MOP-3 was in Curitiba (Brazil) in March 2006.
COP/MOP-2 was in Montreal (Canada) May/June 2005.
COP/MOP-1 was in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) inFebruary 2004.
The main CDM projects (that produce Certified Emissions Reductions) are:
Hydropower (26%)
Biomass-based energy production (15%)
Wind energy (14%)
[Total renewables 63%]
Methane emission reduction projects at landfills and coal mines/coalbeds (16%)
Supply side energy efficiency (10%).
See also:
Coalition building within the context of post-Kyoto climate negotiations
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