Press Release
14 October 2008
Ministers convinced: financial crisis should not shatter global efforts for the climateThe summary of the informal consultations preceding COP 14.
COP14 is the 14th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), along with the 4th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol), which will take place on 1 – 12 December 2008 in Poznan, Poland
On the 13th and 14th of October, over 40 Heads of the Environment units and the high level representatives from all over the world arrived to Warsaw for the invitation of Prof. Maciej Nowicki, Minister of Environment. The future COP 14 President is making preparation for the global negotiations that will be led by him during the December Climate Conference in Poznań. All the ministers expressed their strong belief that Poznań is going to be the mile stone for the new global agreement on climate changes. Moreover, they agreed that the current financial crisis should not stop works on the climate protection.
The Warsaw ministerial meeting was of informal character. As one of the results of the consultations, the Minister Nowicki’s negotiating strategy for COP 14 will be prepared. Consequently, the two main areas discussed during these consultations were: balance of the works progress according to Bali action plan and developing of long term common vision of cooperation on the climate changes. It has also been agreed that during the Poznań summit high level segment, Round Table of ministers and heads of the delegations from all over the world will take place. The subject of this meeting will be the realization of the long term vision of the climate protection in order to prevent the further negative consequences of climate changes.
The representatives of the international community present in Warsaw agreed that the progress has been made, still there is need to work and achieve the results faster. How to make a progress in Poznań? What to do to mobilize the international community to act in order to make Poznań a mile stone for the next agreement? The strong political will and determination presented by the countries to further action and to reach the satisfactory effects in Poznań can be an answer.
Participants of the meeting referred also to the economic crisis on the world wide markets.

Minister Nowicki (above) pointed out that the financial crisis should not be an excuse for not undertaking rapid actions.
Joining efforts against financial crisis and climate changes we could reach benefits for the whole world – said Minister Maciej Nowicki.

Yvo de Boer (above), Executive secretary of UNFCCC added – This meeting was very helpful for reaching a consensus in main issues that will be discussed in Poznań.
The participants highly appreciated organization and course of the meeting: The logistic of the consultations was very good – said Paula Granada, Argentina.
Two days meeting was a prelude to the events that will take place at the end of this year in Poland. The results of the talks will be significant base for Ministers Nowicki’s preparation for the role of the COP 14 President. For the time of the CO 14 Conference, Minister will become a neutral moderator of the global discussion and his role will be to reach an agreement between the countries – parties of the Climate Conference.
Among the participants of the informal consultations, there were representatives of the following countries: Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Germany, European Commission, France, Denmark, Grenada, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Maldives, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Republic of South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, ,Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United Kingdome, the United States and UNFCCC Secretariat.
Minister Nowicki’s preparations for COP 14 Presidency last for several months. Until now, he has taken part in a number of meetings with the most important participants of the process shaping climate policy in the world.