Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Some interesting podcasts on climate change

Climate Wars - Podcasts from CBC radio


Have a listen to Gwynne Dyer talk about climate change. He starts by discussing the United States military and its growing interest in climate change. He suggests it is because climate change acts as a 'threat multiplier' for many of the world's existing problems and it could lead to political and social instability and increased conflict (or climate wars). During the rest of podcasts he examines several radical short and medium-term measures now being considered (all of them fairly controversial) to deal with climate change. Thanks to Allen for the heads-up on these great podcasts!


"We should regard this as a great piece of good fortune that we discovered fossil fuels were really bad for us – having used them to bootstrap ourselves out of poverty – at a time when alternative technologies are actually available." said Dyer.


Well worth a listen !!

Gambling with climate change: MIT updates its climate gamble wheels
So please, tell us what you think.

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