This King Parrot was photographed in Killcare (Central Coast, New South Wales).
** If you enjoyed this post please also check out:
Saving the Superb Parrot
Orange Bellied Parrot
Australia's Biodiversity and Climate Change
Environmental bits and pieces
Photo supplied by: PAJ Environmental Consulting
**If you enjoyed this post, please check out:
Orangutans of Kuta Kinabalu
2010 International Year of Biodiversity
Polar Bear
Comments always welcome!
Here is Bill McKibben speaking with David Letterman about:
I have another post on Bill McKibben (available here); from when I went to see him speak in Sydney, last year.
Comments always welcome!
Of these ten indicators, seven are expected to increase in a warming world (Air Temperature Near Surface (Troposphere), Humidity, Temperature Over Oceans, Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Level, Ocean Heat Content, and Temperature Over Land). The data for each of these indicators does trend up, suggesting we are living in a warming world.
Conclusion: Climate change is "unequivocal".
Both the full report and an easy to read 10 page summary of the report is available here.
Arndt, D. S., M. O. Baringer, and M. R. Johnson, Eds., 2010: State of the Climate in 2009. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91 (6), S1-S224.
The 2007 IPPC report was released in April 2007 in Paris. It is available at:
IPCC (WG2) Climate Change Report 2007
"Re-defining climate change in public health terms should help people make connection to already familiar problems such as asthma, allergies and infectious diseases, while shifting the visualisation of the issue away from remote Arctic regions and distant peoples and animals."
"Many leading experts have suggested that a positive vision for the future, rather than a dire one is precisely what has been missing from the public dialogue on climate change so far."
Many in the popular press and other media, as well as some in the halls of Congress, are seizing on a few errors that have been found in the Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in an attempt to discredit the entire report. None of the handful of mis-statements (out of hundreds and hundreds of unchallenged statements) remotely undermines the conclusion that “warming of the climate system is unequivocal” and that most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-twentieth century is very likely due to observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations. Despite its excellent performance for accurately reporting the state-of-the-science, we certainly acknowledge that the IPCC should become more forthcoming in openly acknowledging errors in a timely fashion, and continuing to improve its assessment procedures to further lower the already very low rate of error.
It is our intention in offering this open letter to bring the focus back to credible science, rather than invented hyperbole, so that it can bear on the policy debate in the United States and throughout the world. We first discuss some of the key messages from climate science and then elaborate on IPCC procedures, with particular attention to the quality-control mechanisms of the IPCC. Finally we offer some suggestions about what might be done next to improve IPCC practices and restore full trust in climate science.
So please, tell us what you think!
Green fridge labelled a fraud
LG Electronics has agreed to compensate potentially thousands of consumers after two of its fridges - models L197NFS and P197WFS - were found to contain an illegal device that activates an energy-saving mode when it detects room conditions similar to those in a test laboratory.
It is the third time LG Electronics has been caught making false claims about the environmental credentials of its products. In 2008, it had to repay $3 million after the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ruled it had inflated the energy-efficiency star rating of five models of air-conditioner. Source (SMH)
GreenPower retailer led investors astray: ACCCGlobal Green Plan Ltd, using the name GreenSwitch, was deregistered from the national GreenPower program in September 2008 for failing to buy enough renewable energy certificates, but it continued to trade through its website until November. The company will now have to buy 4000 renewable energy certificates to make up the shortfall. ''The ACCC investigated the GreenSwitch activities and found the numbers didn't match up,'' the acting chairman of the ACCC, Michael Schaper, said. ''To take money from customers and not use it as it was intended is simply unacceptable.'' Source (SMH)
A carbon credits company, Prime Carbon, has been found guilty by the Federal Court of Australia of making misleading green claims. Prime Carbon is a private company that produces and trades carbon credits created through soil enhancement and carbon sequestration programs. Source (SMH)
Regulator demands muscle on 'green' adsGraeme Samuel, the chairman of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, said a sharp rise in complaints about green advertising claims - from almost none two years ago to about 500 since early 2008 - was ''very unusual''.
''Five hundred suggests there's more than a moderate problem,'' Mr Samuel said. ''It's a new area and in some cases marketers don't understand - but in most cases marketers do understand and they are overselling.'' Source (SMH)
ACCC warns about 'green' marketing.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) said as companies push to appear greener, it's becoming difficult to find products that do not promise some kind of environmental benefit. "Companies risk breaching the Trade Practices Act if they give an overall impression to consumers their product is environmentally friendly when it isn't," ACCC deputy chair Louise Sylvan said in a statement. Source (SMH)
The Six Sins of Greenwash
In December 2007, TerraChoice, an environmental marketing company in North America , released the findings of a study titled 'The Six Sins of Greenwashing'. The company, a leader in green marketing, found that 99% of the 1018 common 'environmentally friendly' consumer products randomly surveyed for the study were guilty of greenwashing. The findings of the report were alarming and from it the company created the six sins of greenwashing, which it believes will help equip consumers with the tools to figure out the truth about environmentally friendly products. They define the six sins as:
Sin of the Hidden Trade-Off: eg, 'Energy-efficient' electronics that contain hazardous materials.
Sin of No Proof: eg, Shampoos claiming to be 'certified organic', but with no verifiable certification.
Sin of Vagueness: eg, Products claiming to be 100% natural when many naturally occurring substances are hazardous, like arsenic and formaldehyde.
Sin of Irrelevance: eg, Products claiming to be CFC-free, even though CFCs were banned 20 years ago.
Sin of Fibbing: eg, Products falsely claiming to be certified by an internationally recognised environmental standard like EcoLogo, Energy Star or Green Seal.
Sin of Lesser of Two Evils: eg, Organic cigarettes or 'environmentally friendly' pesticides.
Climate change in Australia is based upon international climate change research including conclusions from the IPCC's fourth assessment report. It also builds on a large body of climate research that has been undertaken for the Australian region in recent years.
Climate change in Australia provides essential tools for government, industry and the community to understand the likely magnitude of climate change in Australia and the possible impacts.
So please, tell us what you think.
"There are many people, including myself, who are quite uneasy about the consequences of this technology of the future"
Eric Drexler.
The United Nations declared 2010 to be the International Year of Biodiversity. It is a celebration of life on earth and of the value of biodiversity for our lives. The world is invited to take action in 2010 to safeguard the variety of life on earth: biodiversity