Monday, March 10, 2008

The Springfield Greenies

The Springfield Greenines are currently looking into the nuclear power issue to see whether it should be back in fashion in Australia.
My first guess is NO! But we will be back with more once we have had a look at the issues and stakeholders involved.
Why does the nuclear industry only see the 'good' of nuclear energy?
We all know (thanks to the Yin-Yang) that nuclear energy also has a 'bad' side (or shadow).
1. There is the problem of nuclear waste (much of which has a half-life of 4.6 billion years - which is a very long time!)
2. the problem of nuclear weapons and
3. the argument that nuclear energy is the answer to Global Warming is full of holes.
The Springfield Greenies will get back to you on this topic soon.
Comments welcome!

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