Random Man says:
Welcome to my blog on all things green and not so green about the environment.
Topics covered include:
Australia, Biodiversity, Business, Carbon Reduction Pollution Scheme, China, Cimate Change, Coal, Conferences, Earth, Emissions, Green Wash, Health, IPCC, Murray-Darling River, Nanotechnology, Nuclear, Peak Oil, Politics, Poverty, Protests, Psychology, Public Participation, Religion, Science, Social, Sustainability 2.0, Technology, United Kingdom, United Nations and the United States.
I started this blog while I was studying Environmental Management at the University of New South Wales. At first, I simply posted interesting articles that I found while surfing on the web or found during the course of my research into environmental issues.
I am now trying to improve the blog. I plan to do this using shorter posts, more pictures, more links to original materials, better labels - so it is easier for people to find what is of interest to them. So bear with me while it undergoes its metamorphosis.
Any other ideas for improvements ??
Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this blog !!
Please think green !!
Comments always most welcome !!
I started this blog while I was studying Environmental Management at the University of New South Wales. At first, I simply posted interesting articles that I found while surfing on the web or found during the course of my research into environmental issues.
I am now trying to improve the blog. I plan to do this using shorter posts, more pictures, more links to original materials, better labels - so it is easier for people to find what is of interest to them. So bear with me while it undergoes its metamorphosis.
Any other ideas for improvements ??
Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this blog !!
Please think green !!
Comments always most welcome !!